Ibizan$543792$ - traducción al italiano
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Ibizan$543792$ - traducción al italiano

Ibizan hound; Podenco Ibicenco; Ibizian Hound; Podenco Ibizenco
  • Two 6 months old Ibizan hounds
  • Wirehaired ibizan hound
  • Female Ibizan Hound

adj. di Ibiza, del popolo o della cultura di Ibiza


Ibizan Hound

The Ibizan Hound (Spanish: podenco ibicenco, Catalan: ca eivissenc) is a lean, agile dog of the hound family. There are two hair types of the breed: smooth and wire. The more commonly seen type is the smooth. Some consider there to be a third type, long, but the longhair is most likely a variation of the wire.